Clients Tab

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The Clients tab is where all clients can be viewed and maintained by the user. To open the tab the user needs to click on the TAB button in the top margin and select Clients.

The tab consists of the following:


Clients Tool Bar

The tool bar contains buttons and menus.

Client Tool Bar Buttons




Select all clients in the grid

Deselect all clients in the grid

Add a new client

Edit the client

The first selected client

Delete clients

All selected clients

Open contact in new tab

The first selected client

Refresh the client grid

Based on the users current search criteria

Search Controls





The user that owns the client records

In a multi-user account, clients can belong to different users. Here the user can restrict which clients to view.


The group the clients belong to

Clients can be organised in to groups. Here the user chooses which group to view.

Search Term

Any text to search the client database for

The user can type in any text in this box to search the client database. Fields searched are first name, last name, company, mobile phone and email address.

Clients Menu

Menu Option



Add New...

Add a new client


Edit the client

The first selected Client


Delete clients

All selected Clients

Assign to group

Assign clients to a group

All selected Clients.

Assigns the users to a new or existing group

Import / Export

Import Clients

Import new clients from file

Import / Export

Export Clients by Groups

Exports the entire list of clients to file download

Creates an Excel spreadsheet and organises each client group in to separate sheets. As a client can belong to more than one group, the export file can contain the client more than once.

Other Actions

Deduplicate Clients

Searches for and removes duplicate client records

Duplicates are found by using the mobile phone number field only.

Other Actions

Bulk Delete All

Deletes all clients from the DiaryBook account


Refresh the Client grid

Based on the users current search criteria

Clients Grid

The grid contains the list of clients that match the users current search criteria




First Name

Client's first name

Last Name

Client's last name


Postcode of the address


The client's main mobile phone number


The client's email address


The owner of the client

If the client is shared the word shared is shown

Client Groups

The client groups area starts in a collapsed state. To view the grid and tool bar click on the bar that says Client Groups at the bottom of the client grid. To keep the Client Groups grid showing click on the expand icon to the right of the bar.

Group Tool Bar

The tool bar contains buttons and menus.

Group Tool Bar Buttons




Select all groups in the grid

Deselect all groups in the grid

Add a new group

Edit the group

The first selected group

Refresh the client grid

Based on the users current search criteria

Client Groups Menu

Menu Option



Add New...

Add a new group


Edit the group

The first selected group


Delete groups

All selected groups

Appointment Actions

Group Clients with Lapsed Appointments

Create a group of all clients whose last appointment was n months ago

Selecting this option opens the Lapsed Appointment window

More Actions

Remove clients from group

Unassign all clients from the group

All selected groups

More Actions

Delete clients in group

Deletes all clients belonging to the group

All selected groups

More Actions

Set class name to match group name

Populates the company field of the client with the name of the group

All selected groups

More Actions

Copy in to new group

Assigns all clients that belong to the selected group to another group

All selected groups

The original group assignment is unaffected


Refresh the group grid

Groups Grid

The grid contains the list of groups that clients can be organised in to. To view the grid and tool bar click on the bar that says Client Groups at the bottom of the client grid. To keep the Client Groups grid showing click on the expand icon to the right of the bar.




Group Name

The name given to the group


The owner of the group

If the group is shared then blank

Clients in Group

The number of clients assigned to the group

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