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Recalls are used to remind clients that they are due to make their next appointment. It is used to prompt the client to contact the organisation to make an appointment.

Adding a recall

To add a recall reminder the user should do the following:

  1. Open the appointments tab
  2. Click on the APPOINTMENTS MENU
  3. Select Add Recall Record

This opens the Recall window

Recall Fields





The client the reminder is for

The magnifier button opens the client in a new tab

The pencil button opens the client for editing

The plus button opens the new client window

To See

The user the client should see


The date of the recall reminder

The calendar button allows selection of the date

Remind Client Using

The schedule for sending the reminder

The X button clears the entry

The disk button saves this as the user's default setting


Notes for the recall

If a recall has a note a star is shown in the recall list

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