Recall Reminders

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Recall reminders are designed to remind a client to make an appointment. When a client has been for an appointment, the user can add a recall record for that client for some point in the future (when the user would like the client to make another appointment).

An example for using recall reminders is a dental practice reminding patients they're due for a check-up.

Another example is for a garage to remind their client their vehicle is due a service.

Clients are sent a reminder by text message to their phone or by email. Reminders are sent automatically by the DiaryBook service; the user is not required to be online for automatic reminders to be sent.

The user has full control over the content and schedule of the recall reminders.

SMS text reminders

Text message reminders are automatically delivered to the client's mobile phone. The user can control the following:

To send text reminders or not

The user has the choice as to whether DiaryBook should automatically send text reminders or not. The user can manually send messages to clients from DiaryBook regarding making appointments or for any other purpose, regardless of the automatic setting.

Message content

The message itself can be altered to suit the user's preference. For example, the user's name or the organisation's name can be put in the message.

Merge fields are available for inserting information in to the message when it is being sent. For example, the client's name. As it is a recall reminder there is no appointment and therefore no appointment details to be merged.

Days in advance

The user can determine how many days prior to the recall record date the text message is to be sent. For example, the user may decide that 2 days before the record date is appropriate.

Time of Day

The time of day the text reminders are sent can also be determined. For example, the user may decide that mid-morning is a good time for their clients to receive the text message.


The user can decide whether the clients are able to reply to the message. When a message is sent, the Sender ID it uses determines whether the message can be replied to or not.

A sender ID can be a mobile/text number or a word (with a maximum of 11 characters). DiaryBook users have 3 choices:

No Replies

The Sender ID can be the name of the organisation

Replies to Mobile

The sender ID is the user's own mobile number. Replies are received on the mobile phone

Replies to DiaryBook

The sender ID is one of DiaryBook's numbers. Replies are received by DiaryBook

Text delivery

The text message is sent through the mobile operator's network. The user cannot be guaranteed a delivery time of the message. It is usual for clients to receive the message seconds after it is sent. However, delays and network problems can occur.

The mobile operator gives DiaryBook feedback as to whether a message was successfully delivered to the client. The user can review all messages sent and see each one's delivery status.

Email reminders

email reminders are automatically sent to the client's email address. The user can control the following:

To send email reminders or not

The user has the choice as to whether DiaryBook should automatically send email reminders or not. The user can manually send messages to clients from DiaryBook regarding making appointments or for any other purpose, regardless of the automatic setting.

Message Content

The message itself can be altered to suit the user's preference. For example, the user's name or the organisation's name can be put in the message and the whole email can be designed to match the organisations website.

Merge fields are available for inserting information in to the message when it is being sent. For example, the client's name. As it is a recall reminder there is no appointment and therefore no appointment details to be merged.

Days in Advance

The user can determine how many days prior to the recall record date the email message is to be sent. For example, the user may decide that 7 days before the date is appropriate.

Time of Day

The time of day the email reminders sent can also be determined. For example, the user may decide that mid-morning is a good time for their clients to receive the email message.

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